How Our Community Works

Crossroads Ranch Phase II has CC&Rs, Bylaws, a Property Owners Association, a Board of Directors and an Architectural Control Committee. 

The Board of Directors has the right to

      promulgate reasonable regulations relating to the matters within its purpose.

    The CC&Rs give the Board of Directors broad powers, which it then delegates to officers, committee members, and a management company. Specifically, the Board and Architectural Control Committee (ACC) are given the responsibility of enforcing the CC&Rs, whose purposes include

         - enhancing and protecting the value and desirability of all the Parcels.

    The CC&Rs give the Architectural Control Committee the following rights:

    The Committee shall have the right to refuse to approve any such plans or specifications which are not suitable or desirable in its opinion

    • for aesthetic reasons,
    • not in accordance with the overall theme of Crossroads Ranch Phase II,
    • or for any other reason, and in so passing upon such plans and specifications.

    It shall have the right to take into consideration the 

    • suitability of the proposed building or other structure,
    • the material which is to be used,
    • the site upon which it is proposed to be erected,
    • the harmony with the surroundings,
    • the effect of the proposed structure on the outlook from adjacent or neighboring property.

     If you want the freedom to build anything you want, you won’t find it here. Likewise, if you want to live in a community that only allows certain architectural styles or demands you choose from a palette of six paint colors, then this is not the place for you. Crossroads Ranch II is somewhere in the middle. If you like what you see in our community, it is because of the CC&Rs, the Architectural Guidelines, and all the hard work of previous Board and committee members.