1. Q: Do I need approval from the Architectural Control Committee to put up a fence, build a shed, paint my house a new color, level a hill on my property, put in a swimming pool, install a satellite dish, put up No Trespassing signs…?

A: Short answer: Yes. (And for many of these projects you need a Yavapai County permit as well. Check the County ordinances.) The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) wants property owners to be able to build the home and outbuildings they want, and can be quite flexible, but balances the desires of the individual owner with the need to protect property values and the aesthetics of the community. When in doubt about whether or not a project needs approval, contact the ACC. Drive around Crossroads Ranch II and you will see a wide variety of house styles and materials and colors, but there is an overall Crossroads theme of a horse-friendly community harmonizing with the natural surroundings. If you like the looks of Crossroads Ranch II, it is because since 1996 the Board of Directors and the Architectural Control Committee have been working hard to create and maintain an overall aesthetic for the community and to protect property values. A house that would look great in Connecticut or Florida might not get approved here. There is no specific color palette for paint, no list of unacceptable materials (with a few exceptions), but the Architectural Control Committee has been given the responsibility and the power to judge whether or not a color or material or style will fit in with the community.

2. Q: What is the purpose of the CC&Rs?

A: The purpose of these restrictions, covenants, and conditions is to assure the use of the Property for attractive residential and non-commercial farm and ranch purposes only, and securing to each Parcel owner the full benefit and enjoyment of his or her Parcel in furtherance of a common plan, and for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of all the Parcels, and all of which are hereby declared to be for the benefit of all the Parcels and the owners thereof their heirs, successors, grantees, and assigns.

3. Q: How can the CC&Rs be amended?

A: Amendments. This Declaration may be amended at any time by the written approval or the affirmative vote, or any combination thereof, of the Owners representing not less than two- thirds (2/3) of the Parcels, included or incorporated within this Declaration. If the necessary votes and approvals are obtained, then the Board shall cause any amendment of this Declaration to be recorded in proper form with the County Recorder of Yavapai County, Arizona, duly signed by the President or Vice President of the Association and attested by the Secretary of the Association, with their signatures acknowledged. Thereupon, any amendment shall be given full force and effect.

4. Q: What is the purpose of the Property Owners Association?

A: The purpose of the Association is to maintain the roadway easements as shown on the Results of Survey, the project entry and guard facilities, if any, and any common property that may be designed, maintain any perimeter fences (but not individual Parcel Owner fences), and act through the Architectural Control Committee in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 5 of the CC&Rs [See question 5].

5. Q: What are some of the powers of the Property Owners Association and the Board of Directors?

A: The Association shall have the power to promulgate reasonable regulations relating to the matters within its purpose. The corporate powers of the Association are vested in and shall be exercised by the Board of Directors consisting of not less than three (3) or more than five (5) owners. The Board of Directors may assign its duties hereunder to an Architectural Control Committee.

6. Q: What is the purpose of the Architectural Control Committee?

A: The primary purpose of the Architectural Control Committee is to protect property values: "enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of all the Parcels..." for the benefit of all owners and future owners.

Architectural and Design Control: No Parcel leveling, excavation, grading, planting, or landscaping, and no residence, outbuilding, fence, or wall, or other improvement or installation, shall be commenced, erected, placed, or altered on any Parcel, until the plans and specifications therefore, showing the nature, kind, shape, materials, floor plans, and locations shall have been submitted in writing to and approved by the Board, which may assign its duties hereunder to an Architectural Control Committee (Committee), and a copy thereof is finally approved and lodged permanently with the Committee. The Committee shall have the right to refuse to approve any such plans or specifications which are not suitable or desirable in its opinion for aesthetic reasons, or not in accordance with the overall theme of Crossroads Ranch Phase II, or for any other reason, and in so passing upon such plans and specifications, it shall have the right to take into consideration the suitability of the proposed building or other structure, and the material which is to be used, the site upon which it is proposed to be erected, the harmony with the surroundings, and the effect of the proposed structure on the outlook from adjacent or neighboring property. All plans must comply with Yavapai County requirements.

7. Q: What is the Architectural Control Committee Procedure?

A: Procedure. The Committee's approval or disapproval as required in this Declaration shall be in writing. Actions of the Committee shall be by the majority vote of the members of the Committee. All decisions of the Committee shall be final and no Parcel Owner or other party shall have recourse against the Committee or its designated representatives, or its members, for its disapproval or refusal to approve. In the event the Committee or its designated representative fails to approve or disapprove within thirty (30) days after the plans and specifications have been submitted to it, the plans and specifications shall be deemed to have been approved. Provided, however, the plans shall not be considered to be delivered to the Committee until they are complete in every respect and have been submitted together with every item of additional information, material samples, or more specific plan, details as requested in writing by the Committee. With every request for approval of an improvement, the Owner shall include a document review fee payable to the Board, which fee is initially set at $75.

8. Q: What is the minimum home size?

A. Minimum Sizes. Any primary residential structure shall contain a minimum of 1,500 square feet of living area, exclusive of carport, garage, open porches, and patio. The minimum size of guest houses shall be as approved by the Committee, consistent with Yavapai County regulations.

9. Q: What materials can I use to build my house, barn, and outbuildings?

A: Any single-family residential structure or approved barn, shed, or other improvement placed upon any Parcel shall be constructed from new material or its equivalent, and as may be approved by the Committee.

10. Q: Can I have a metal roof on my house or barn or shed? Are there restrictions on the color of roof I can have?

A:  Colors should be chosen to "harmonize with the surroundings" and roofing material and building site chosen to minimize the reflective inpact of their building on other owners. Specifically (from the Architectural Guidelines):

1. Bright, untarnished copper, or other metallic surfaces will not be allowed unless treated to reduce reflections.

2. No colors shall be used (on roofs) which have a Light Reflective Value (LRV) greater than forty percent (40%). The LRV of a color is available from manufacturers and it measures the amount of light reflected by a certain color.

3. Gloss also affects reflectivity by creating glare. We strongly urge the lowest (least shiny) coating available if it is needed.

NOTICE The Board of Directors and Architectural Control Committee have adopted a standard of 40 % LRV or less for roofs in order to comply with the CC&R prohibition on reflective roofs. This is the same standard adopted by the City of Scottsdale. However, all materials will reflect to a greater or lesser amount, and in addition to complying with the LRV standard, we urge all Owners to select a building site to minimize the reflective impact of their building on other Owners.

11. Q. Can I just have a carport? Can I have a detached garage? How big does my garage have to be?

A: Each residence shall contain an enclosed garage for at least two automobiles. The garage can either be attached to or detached from the main structure. All detached garages must be visually integrated with the main residence.

12. Q: How long do I have to complete building my house, barn, or other outbuilding?

A. Completion Time. Construction of a residence shall be finished and completed no later than 1 year after the issuance of a building permit by the appropriate regulatory body, with any approved barn or shed being completed within 6 months of the permit.

13. Q: Can I live in an RV on my property while I build?

A: Temporary Dwelling. Occupancy by the property owners of temporary housing, including motor homes, travel trailers and recreational vehicles during construction of a permanent residential structure is permitted during the twelve (12) month period after the issuance of a building permit and written Association Board approval. A temporary dwelling permit from Yavapai County must be obtained prior to occupancy of the temporary housing.

14. Q: What buildings can I place on my property? Can I have a guest house?

A: Land Use. No building other than one single family dwelling residence and a private garage, a guest house or servants’ quarters, and other outbuildings as approved by the Committee, and as are in compliance with applicable zoning, shall be erected, maintained, placed, or permitted on any Parcel. No improvements may be commenced without the appropriate building permits having been first obtained. Any guest house, which may include a kitchen, or servants’ quarters, shall be for the use of bona fide guests or servants, as the case may be, or the occupants of the main residence, or members of such occupant’s family, and shall not be rented or leased separate from the main residence. Yavapai County regulations:

A. The parcel or lot meets or exceeds the noted required area in size and the primary structure set-backs set out under the Density District are met.

‪B. A common driveway is shared by the primary and guest home structures.

‪C. The guest home does not exceed seven hundred fifty (750) square feet of livable building area or twenty-five percent (25%) of the total square footage of the primary structure livable building area under roof, whichever is greater.

‪D. A kitchen facility is permitted in the guest home structure.

‪E. One (1) guest home allowed per parcel

15. Q: Can I put a cargo container on my property?

A: Shipping or cargo containers are NOT allowed except during construction of the initial dwelling, for up to two years. Owner must get a Yavapai County permit AND ACC approval before placement on the property. 

16. Q: Can I build my guest house first and live in it while I build my house?

A: Short answer: No. A primary dwelling of at least 1500 square feet must be built first, along with a two-car garage.

17. Q: Can I run a business out of my home?

A: No manufacturing or commercial enterprise shall be maintained or conducted upon, in front of, or in connection with any Parcel. However, home offices, and other appropriate, casual, and non-intrusive business uses may be permitted upon the specific written consent of the Committee.

18. Q: Can I split my parcel?

A. Short answer: Just because you bought a 20 acre parcel doesn't mean you can split it. Large parcels that have already been split three times cannot be split again no matter how large the remaining parcels.

No Parcel shall be divided smaller than allowed by applicable governmental regulations and ordinances, but in no event shall a Parcel within Crossroads Ranch be created which is smaller than 8 acres in size. With regard to Valley View Estates, no Parcel shall be created that is smaller than 2.75 acres in size. Further, no original Parcel in Crossroads Ranch shall be divided into more than 3 Parcels. No original Parcel in Valley View Estates shall be divided into more than 5 Parcels. No Parcel may be divided without first obtaining the approval of the Declarant and the Architectural Control Committee as to its size, shape, and plan for access to the Parcel created.

19. Q: Can I rent out my house, guest house, or property?

A: Leases. An Owner may not (i) lease less than his entire Parcel; (ii) lease for a period of less than thirty days; (iii) enter into an oral lease; or (iv) exempt the tenant from the terms of this Declaration. Failure by the tenant (or sub-tenant) to comply with this Declaration is a default under the lease. Upon leasing his Parcel, an Owner shall promptly notify the Association of the commencement date and termination date of the lease and the names and telephone numbers of each person who will be occupying the Parcel. Any guest house, which may include a kitchen, or servants’ quarters, shall be for the use of bona fide guests or servants, as the case may be, or the occupants of the main residence, or members of such occupant’s family, and shall not be rented or leased separate from the main residence.

20. Q: What are some of the rules to keep up the appearance of the Crossroads Ranch II homes and properties?

A: Protective Screening. All clotheslines, equipment, propane tanks, service yards, wood piles, and storage areas shall be kept screened by adequate planting or fencing so as to conceal them from view of neighboring Parcels or streets. No laundering will be permitted except inside an approved structure with approved plumbing.

Parking, Storage, and Repairs. Boats, boat trailers, camping trailers, campers, travel trailers, or any other recreational vehicles, sporting or camping equipment shall not be stored or parked within 100 feet of a Crossroads Ranch parcel boundary lines and not within 40 feet of a Valley View Estates, and not adjacent to or on the roads of Crossroads Ranch and Valley View Estates. No repairs, rebuilding, or maintenance work shall be performed on any motor vehicle, travel trailer, boat, boat trailer, camper, or other piece of equipment outside of a garage or a screened area on any Parcel and under no condition on any road. None of the above shall be allowed to be abandoned on any Parcel. No parking shall be allowed on any road.

Antennas and Generators. No antenna, satellite dish, or power generators shall be installed in a manner that will disturb the surrounding neighbors and/or Property. The placement of any antenna, satellite dish, or power generator must have Architectural Control Committee approval before it is placed on the Parcel. The Architectural Control Committee shall have the final decision on a dispute regarding a Parcel Owner's antenna, satellite dish, or power generator and what effect it has on the surrounding neighbors.

Nuisances. No Parcel Owner shall place or maintain any animate or inanimate object upon any Parcel so as to create a nuisance to the Owners of the neighboring parcels. No vehicles or motors of any type without mufflers shall be allowed. No all-terrain type vehicles or off-road motorcycles shall be operated, except within the confine of the Owner's individual Parcel. No firearms may be discharged in any area of the Property.

[There are also specific rules regarding gates, driveways, solar panels, wind generators, culverts, flags, and more. It is imperative that property owners become familiar with the Architectural Guidelines and CC&Rs, and to contact the Architectural Control Committee with any questions, before starting a project. Yavapai County is a dark sky community, and both the County and Crossroads Ranch II have regulations about the placement and type of outside lighting.]

21. Q: What are the regulations regarding livestock and pets?

A: Livestock, Poultry and Domestic Animals. Horses, cattle, and domestic animals are allowed to be kept on the Property in reasonable numbers. The casual breeding of animals for profit is permitted. The commercial raising of livestock is not permitted. The Architectural Control Committee, in its sole discretion, shall decide which uses are casual and which are commercial and, may in its exclusive discretion, make exception to this provision. A written opinion can be obtained from the Committee as to any proposed use which may be questionable. All livestock, poultry, and domestic animals shall be maintained so as to avoid creation of a hazard or nuisance to owners of other Parcels. Dogs shall be kept within fenced areas or held on leashes, or under the owner’s control. No pigs, ostriches, fighting chickens, pit bull dogs, or wild animals of any kind are permitted. All livestock and poultry shall be confirmed within a fenced area, and all fences for any livestock or animals shall be constructed of new material or the equivalent and be of such height and strength as to adequately contain all permitted livestock or animals. All areas maintained for livestock and poultry shall at all times be kept clean and odor free, with all manure removed on a regular basis.

22. Q: Can I target shoot on my property, or on State Trust land?

A: No firearms may be discharged in any area of the Property or on State Trust land. There is an exception for those who have a current hunting license and are actively hunting on State Trust Land. No target shooting is ever allowed on State Trust Land,  by state law. 

23. Q: What are the rules for installing septic systems?

A: Water Supply and Individual Sewage Systems. Individual sewage disposal systems to serve the Parcel shall be permitted on the Parcel. All individual sewage systems shall be constructed to Yavapai County Health Department standards. No individual sewage disposal system shall be installed within 100 feet of any property line and within Valley View Estates nearer than 40 feet of any property line. No sewage disposal system shall be installed without first obtaining the Health Department Sewage Disposal Permit. All sewage systems shall be kept as not to disturb surrounding neighbors and Property with offensive odors and sights, and located so as to minimize grading and disturbance to existing vegetation. Individual domestic wells must be installed in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Arizona Department of Water Resources and local regulatory agencies.

24. Q: Does CRII have a garbage disposal service?

A: Short answer: No: Garbage and Refuse Disposal. No Parcel shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish or hazardous or toxic waste or materials. Trash, garbage, or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All containers for the storage of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No outdoor burning of rubbish shall be permitted on any Parcel. The regular removal of garbage and refuse is the Parcel Owner’s responsibility.

25. Q: What are the rules for posting signs? May I put up No Trespassing signs?

A: Signs. Signs (including, but not limited to, For Sale or For Rent signs) are not permitted on the Property without the prior written approval of the Board; provided, however, that an unlighted, neatly painted Sale or For Rent sign not to exceed ‘2' by 2' in size may be placed on the Parcel after the expiration of the Period of Declarant Control. None of the sign restrictions in the Declaration apply to the Declarant for the purpose of selling the Parcels pursuant to a Public Report issued by the State of Arizona.

Landowners who desire to prohibit trespassing on their lands may not post “No Trespassing” signs
without prior written approval of the Board.

No Trespassing Signs: Approved notices or signboards shall meet all of the following criteria:
• The sign shall be constructed of heavy gauge metal and have an orange background with black lettering.
• Be not less than eight inches by eleven inches or larger than twelve inches by fourteen inches with plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering at least one inch high.
• Contain the words "No Trespassing"
• Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at least four feet above ground level at all points of vehicular or pedestrian access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals of not less than 300 feet or more than one-quarter mile along the property boundary. The Signs shall be clearly visible.

26. Q: What are the setbacks for building?

A: Location.

Paragraph 6 D. of the CC&R’s states: “No dwelling or other building improvement shall be
erected or placed on any Parcel nearer than 100 feet to any boundary line, and within Valley
View Estates nearer than 40 feet to any boundary line, unless approved in writing by the
Architectural Control Committee. It is understood that the above set-back lines and all other use
restrictions contained in this Declaration are in addition to zoning and other land use regulations
adopted by governmental authorities and the more restrictive must be followed.”
Property boundary, for the purpose of measuring setbacks, is defined as the center of the road.

It is understood that the above set-back lines and all other use restrictions contained in this Declaration are in addition to zoning and other land use regulations adopted by governmental authorities and the more restrictive must be followed.

27. Q: What are the rules for putting up fencing? Do I need ACC approval?

A: Yes, approval is required before putting up fencing.

Fencing Guidelines

1. All fences must be located inside the easements.
2. Fencing of equestrian and other easements is prohibited.
3. All fencing color must be in harmony with the natural landscape.
4. Gates will be approved in conjunction with fencing applications. Gate opening devices will
be approved in conjunction with gate and fencing applications. Manual, electric and solar
openers do not require a separate application.
The above guidelines are in addition to zoning and other land use regulations adopted by
governmental authorities and the more restrictive must be followed.
For informational purposes only – If you desire to have wildlife continue to roam freely, please
be aware that pronghorn antelope require a non-barbed wire with a minimum ground clearance
of approximately 18 inches. Antelope do not jump fences, they crawl under. Note: Barbed wire
is also extremely hazardous for horses.

28. Q: Can I put up security lighting?

A: Short answer: Security lighting, which by its nature is bright and of general nature, will be permitted
only with the understanding that it will only be used in emergencies. Only lamps with a maximum wattage of 75 watts will be allowed unless express approval is received from the Committee. All lighting must be in compliance with Yavapai County's Dark Sky Ordinance which can be found on page 146 at

From CRII Architectural Guidelines:

Site lighting means lighting mounted either on the ground, in trees, or on site walls for the purpose of providing security or decorative accent lighting. The exterior lighting philosophy of the Association is to support the general rural character of the area and to create a "dark sky" in the evening and conform to the Yavapai County “Dark Sky Ordinance”.

Building mounted lighting means lighting built into or attached to buildings either on
walls, ceilings, eaves, or fascias for the purpose of providing general illumination, area
illumination or security illumination.
Security lighting means lighting intended to provide bright general illumination of the
area adjacent to a residence during emergency situations only.
a. Site lighting must be directed onto vegetation or prominent site features such as
b. Building mounted lighting must be directed downward away from adjacent lots, street
and open spaces and may not be used to light walls or building elements for
decorative purposes.
c. All exterior lighting must provide for significant shielding of light sources.
d. Only lamps with a maximum wattage of 75 watts will be allowed unless express
approval is received from the Committee.
e. Security lighting, which by its nature is bright and of general nature, will be permitted
only with the understanding that it will only be used in emergencies.
f. Lighting used for conducting outside work or for an outdoor recreational facility must
be directed downward away from adjacent lots, street, and open spaces. This lighting
must be turned off by 9:00 PM.

29. Q: Do I really need an engineer to design my driveway and culvert and parcel leveling? Do I really need to have a professionally prepared plot /site plan for my house and improvements?

A: Short answer: Yes. See the Architectural Guidelines page for more information.

30. What are the Property Owners Association dues and assessments? What are the penalties for late or unpaid assessments?

# Acres



2.75 – 8



8 – 20



20 - 30







Each owner shall be responsible to pay the regular assessment commencing on the first day of the month following the date of recordation of the deed wherein the Owner acquired legal, beneficial, or equitable title to the Parcel. The assessment will vary by Parcel size and by whether the property is improved or unimproved. Improved will be defined as a property which has obtained a building permit for a dwelling and the change in assessment will occur when the permit is issued. Prorations will occur as of the first day of the calendar month following the issuance of the permit. The assessments are in dollars per acre per year and are subject to change by the Association.

In addition to the regular assessment as set forth above, the Association may set special assessments and their due dates, if the Association determines by two-third’s ownership vote that such is necessary to meet the primary purposes of the Association. Such special assessments shall be in ratio to the regular assessments.

All sums assessed by the Association chargeable to a Parcel, but unpaid shall constitute a lien on such Parcel, prior to all other liens excepting only ad valorem liens in favor of a governmental assessing unit or special assessment district. The Association lien may be foreclosed by the Association in a like manner as a foreclosure of a real property deed of trust. The Association shall have the power to bid on the delinquent Parcel at a foreclosure sale, and acquire, hold, lease, encumber, and convey same. A suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments and charges shall be maintainable by the Association without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing same.

The collection of assessments and late fees is vital to the proper achievement of the goals of this Declaration. To the extent consistent with these provisions, the Declarant incorporates by reference and reserves for itself and its successors and assigns for the Association, all of the powers and rights of lien enforcement and of collection of assessments as set forth in A.R.S. 8 33-1201, et seq. To the extent any provision in this Declaration is inconsistent with the Planned Communities Act, A.R.S. 5 33-1801, then that provision is hereby modified to the extent required by law so that it can be enforced.

Any assessment, installment of an assessment, or other amount owed by an Owner to the Association which is not paid within fifteen days after it is due is delinquent, shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the rate of One Percent per month, (unless a different interest rate is established by the Board) and is subject to a late fee in an amount set by the Board.

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